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Writer's pictureNchimunya Muvwende

Managing personal finances

Updated: Jun 7, 2023

The need to have money to be able to meet the various human needs is the desire of every person whether or not they make enough money. The human minds are made in such a way that they make good plans and aspiration but some of these can only be achieved with proper management of finances and growing of income. It is unfortunate that most of the financial lessons have to be learnt through regret by those who mismanaged what they had but now, it is important that strategies to manage finances are discussed to provide both enlightenment and financial improvement of lives.

Expenditure control

Some people have a really toxic relationship with money such that, it is impossible to keep it without spending it. Whenever they receive any money, the first thought is what they need to spend on. Others are impulsive spenders such that, whenever they see something, they get the desire to purchase even if it means borrowing money for it. These plus other habits are have hindered the achievement of plans that could have made people to live better financially independent lives. The importance of making a budget and sticking to it cannot be overemphasized. Draw up a budget with necessarily things that you cannot do without and try as much as possible to buy only what is budgeted for. If you walk in a shop and admire something you had not budgeted for, ask yourself if indeed it is something you cannot do without in the current moment. Do not be an impulsive buyer but rather, when tempted to buy something at first sight, give yourself some time to reflect on whether it is worth spending on and if found so, you can return to the shop and buy later.

It is never wise to always think that any money that comes to your possession should be immediately spent. Just because you have a consistent source of income is no excuse to spend all you get. For some people, immediately they receive money, even the appetite for home cooked meals disappears and would spend a significant portion on junk foods. Control your expenditure by classifying your budget according to necessities and wants. Necessitates are those things that you cannot do without which may include food, shelter, fees among other. Wants are those things you just want but may live without and may include clothes, new phone, make up, recreation among others. Buying things in bulk reduces the cost of the goods per unit and so, you may consider partnering with friends or families by putting money together to buy the bulk products and share among yourselves. In as much as possible, minimize your expenditure and grow the remaining income so that it may be used to finance your wants without having to worry so much about tomorrow.

Growing your income

It is never a wise decision to let your money be idle in the bank or other storage facilities. In the parable of the talents found in the Bible, the master condemned the servant who buried the money entrusted to him and wished the servant kept the money in an interest earning account. In a similar fashion, instead of keeping huge sums of money as you wait to spend on your plans, it is wise to put it in interest bearing accounts. Fixed deposit and saving accounts are offered by various banks and can be used while you plan how to invest that money. Remember that idle money actually loses value due to inflation and other factors.

Money should be taken to be a seed that can be planted (invested) then nurtured in such a way that it bears fruits. Consider investing your money in some tangible businesses such as farming, retail, supply or any other that will enable your money earn profit. For those that may not be business minded or have less money that is not substantial to make an impact, consider collaborating and partnering with others. Team up to invest in a business that will bring profit and help grow your money. Do not eat the seeds, consume the fruits instead.

Work towards your goal

The future will be too expensive to afford for those that fail to plan efficiently. Actually, others have argued that failing to plan is planning to fail. Every individual has goals and plans that they wish to achieve in a given period of time. Most of these plans need to be financed through the money that the individual gets and therefore, how one manages their finances has an impact of the time of actualizing the plans. Some goals include building own house to avoid renting or real estate business, building a business empire, education completion for families, clearing loan obligations among others. Set clear goals you wish to accomplish and set a timeline on when you would want to achieve this. Having done this, guide your expenditure control and income growth strategies to be in line with your plans so that achievement be done earlier where possible. Let your goals and plans guide your financial management. You cannot be spending your money as if you are on your death bed when tomorrow needs to be financed by the decisions you make today.

Proper money management and investment is a project that should be taken seriously by everyone. Do what you must to live as you should.

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